Annual Testing and Recertification of Isolated Power Systems and Line Isolation Monitors in accordance with NFPA 99
Isolated Power Systems and their accompanying Line Isolation Monitors are increasing in popularity. What began as a safety measure for flammable anesthetic agents has grown to become almost a necessity for wet procedure locations, operating rooms, and other critical areas of a healthcare environment.
If you have isolated power systems installed in your healthcare facility, by now you probably understand that these systems must be verified by a trusted vendor at least once per year. This is essential to maintain compliance with the National Fire Protection Association document NFPA 99, which is part of what is known as the Fire Code.
Our service representatives are ready to perform your annual testing of Isolated Power Systems and Line Isolation Monitors. We regularly schedule this service to be performed in the evenings, to place a minimum burden upon your schedule. NFPA 99 states that these isolated power systems and the accompanying line isolation monitors must be tested once every twelve months.
Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and answers concerning testing and recertification of isolated power systems and line isolation monitors. Contact us via the form below to schedule the annual inspection and recertification of your isolated power systems.
An isolated power system (IPS) is a system that provides electrical power to medical equipment in a healthcare facility in order to prevent the equipment from being connected to the facility's main power supply. The purpose of an IPS is to reduce the risk of electrical shock and electrocution to patients, healthcare workers, and equipment operators.
Line isolation monitor (LIM) testing is a critical component of ensuring the safety and reliability of an IPS. The National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 99: Health Care Facilities Code sets guidelines for the testing of IPS and LIM in healthcare facilities.
According to NFPA 99, an IPS and LIM system should be tested annually to ensure that they are functioning properly and providing the necessary level of isolation. This includes performing a continuity test to ensure that the IPS is properly connected to the medical equipment and a ground fault current test to ensure that the IPS is providing the necessary level of isolation.
The continuity test is performed by measuring the resistance between the IPS and the medical equipment. The resistance should be less than 1 ohm, indicating that the IPS is properly connected to the medical equipment.
The ground fault current test is performed by measuring the current flowing through the IPS. The current should be less than 1 milliampere (mA), indicating that the IPS is providing the necessary level of isolation.
In addition to these tests, the LIM should also be tested to ensure that it is functioning properly. The LIM is a device that continuously monitors the IPS and alerts healthcare workers if there is an interruption in the IPS or if the IPS is not providing the necessary level of isolation.
The LIM test is performed by simulating a ground fault on the IPS and verifying that the LIM correctly detects the fault and alerts healthcare workers.
It is also important to note that all testing should be performed by trained and certified personnel and that detailed records of all testing and any repairs or maintenance performed on the IPS and LIM should be kept for at least two years.
In addition to the annual testing, it is also important to perform regular preventive maintenance on the IPS and LIM. This includes cleaning and lubricating the system, as well as inspecting it for signs of wear or damage. Any issues found during preventive maintenance should be repaired immediately to ensure the continued safe and reliable operation of the IPS and LIM.
In summary, the isolated power system (IPS) is a system that provides electrical power to medical equipment in a healthcare facility in order to prevent the equipment from being connected to the facility's main power supply. The purpose of an IPS is to reduce the risk of electrical shock and electrocution to patients, healthcare workers, and equipment operators. Line isolation monitor (LIM) testing is a critical component of ensuring the safety and reliability of an IPS. The National Fire Protection Association's NFPA 99: Health Care Facilities Code sets guidelines for the testing of IPS and LIM in healthcare facilities, including annual testing and regular preventive maintenance. All testing should be performed by trained and certified personnel and that detailed records of all testing and any repairs or maintenance performed on the IPS and LIM should be kept for at least two years.

Isolated Power System Testing in accordance with NFPA99
Isolated Power Systems and their incorporated Line Isolation Monitors must be tested once per year, in accordance with NFPA99. We can perform your annual inspection and recertificvation, and provide you with the documentation needed to maintain compliance with NFPA99 and Joint Commission regulations.
Call us at (424) 204-2382 for a free estimate
Below are some frequently asked questions and aswers concerning Isolated Power System and Line Isolation Monitor inspection requirements, in accordance with NFPA99.
Section 3.3.89 of NFPA99 defines an Isolated Power System Testing Services as A system comprising an isolation transformer or its equivalent, a line isolation monitor, and its ungrounded circuit conductors.
Section 3.3.9 of NFPA99 defines a Line Isolation Monitor as A test instrument designed to continually check the balanced and unbalanced impedance from each line of an isolated circuit to ground and equipped with a built-in test circuit to exercise the alarm without adding to the leakage current hazard. In an isolated power circuit, a ground fault would result in an alarm, but power would not be interrupted.
Section of NFPA99 states Wet procedure locations shall be provided with special protection against electric shock.
Section of NFPA99 states Operating rooms shall be considered to be a wet procedure location, unless a risk assessment conducted by the health care governing body determines otherwise.
This is the most controversial section. A risk assessment by the health care governing body can in fact deem an operating room not to be a wet procedure location. This would be contingent on interpretation of the mopping of the floor which occurs between cases as "drenching", as defined in Section 3.3.89 above.
Section of NFPA99 states Operating rooms defined as wet procedure locations shall be protected by either isolated power or ground fault circuit interrupters.
Section of NFPA99 states "Operating rooms defined as wet procedure locations shall be protected by either isolated power or ground fault circuit interrupters.
Section of NFPA99 addresses Isolated Power
Section of NFPA99 states The system shall be permitted to be installed where it conforms to the performance requirements specified in
Section of NFPA99 states The monitor shall be designed such that a green signal lamp, conspicuously visible in the area where the line isolation monitor is utilized, remains lighted when the system is adequately isolated from ground; and an adjacent red signal lamp and an audible warning signal (remote if desired) shall be energized when the total hazard current (consisting of possible resistive or capacitive leakage currents) from either isolated conductor to ground reaches a threshold value of 5.0 mA under normal line voltage conditions. The line isolation monitor shall not alarm for a fault hazard current of less than 3.7 mA.
This is interesting, as many of the Line Isolation Monitors still in use are older, often analog units that are set to alarm at only 2 mA. These units must be replaced immediately, as it is a violation of code to use them.
Section of NFPA99 Line Isolation Monitor Tests states The line isolation monitor (LIM) circuit shall be tested after installation, and prior to being placed in service, by successively grounding each line of the energized distribution system through a resistor whose value is 200 x V (ohms), where V equals measured line voltage. The visual and alarms shall be activated.
Section of NFPA99 states The LIM circuit shall be tested at intervals of not more than 1 month by actuating the LIM test switch. For a LIM circuit with automated self-test and self-calibration capabilities, this test shall be performed at intervals of not more than 12 months. Actuation of the test switch shall activate both visual and audible alarm indicators.
Section of NFPA99 states A record shall be maintained of the tests required by this chapter and associated repairs or modification.
Section of NFPA99 states "At a minimum, the record shall contain the date, the rooms or areas tested, and an indication of which items have met, or have failed to meet, the performance requirements of this chapter.
Section 6.3.4..2.2 of NFPA99 Isolated Power System Testing Services (Where Installed) states A permanent record shall be kept of the results of each of the tests.
- Reduced Shock Hazard
- Continuity of Power
- Line Noise Reduction, the transformer acts as an electrical filter.
- Advance warning system of what their equipment condition is.
- Reduced Fire Hazard
- Extra level of protection will keep down liability claims.
- We have been in the industry for over 40 years
- We provide complete documentation of your isolated power system leakage readings and alarm threhold limits
- We perform our inspection services in the evenings and/or on the weekends, so as not to disturb your surgery schedule
- Our service documentation will keep you in compliance with NFPA99 and Joint Commission accreditation requirements
- Amsco
- Auth
- Bender
- Crouse Hinds
- Edwards
- Electromagnetic Industries (EMI)
- Federal Pacific
- Federal Pioneer
- General Electric
- Hevi-Duty
- Hill-Rom
- Hospital Systems
- Isotrol
- Measurement Engineering Limited (MEL)
- Post Glover
- Russell & Stoll
- Square D
- Grainger
- Schneider
- Medical Equipment Repair and Maintenance
- Hospital Information Technology
- In-service Education and Service Training
Our clients

"For the past 30 years, BiomedRx has been the only company we trust to provide repair, calibration, and preventive maintenance services on our medical equipment assets. BiomedRx technicians are knowledgeable about every modality of diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment."
- Charles Long M.D.
"BiomedRx technicians provide our surgery center with excellent biomedical equipment maintenance services. They have a quick response time, and are willing to schedule service after hours. We highly recommend BiomedRx for your medical equipment repair and maintenance needs."
- Barbara Stevens R.N.
"BiomedRx takes care of our medical device installation, repair, calibration, and preventative maintenance inspections. They also do our annual inspection and recertification of isolated power systems and line isolation monitors. We are very happy with BiomedRx service."
- John Butler, Facility Administrator